


Frequently Asked Questions
    Preventative Care

        Prevention is always better than the cure with dentistry. This means having good home care (flossing and brushing) and attending regular check-ups and cleans. Sometimes oral disease can happen quietly without you noticing any discomfort. If the problems are detected and treated early, more extensive work can be avoided. 

        Our preventative care includes:

        • Professional clean and fluoride treatment
        • Diet and Eating Habits Modification
        • Oral Hygiene Instruction
        • Fissure Sealants
        • Mouthguards 
        • Regular Check-ups

        Keep your teeth for life!

    Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)

        Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum that can progress to affect the bone that supports your teeth. The inflammation is caused by bacteria plaque that constantly forms on your teeth. If the plaque is not removed through daily brushing and flossing, it builds up and hardens into tartar along gum line or even down to root surfaces. A professional cleaning is the only way to remove plaque formed tartar. If your condition is more severe, a root debridement procedure may be required. 

        Gum disease is usually a silent disease. The most obvious signs are:

        • Bleeding Gums
        • Bad Taste
        • Bad Breath
        • Red or Swollen Gum
        • Loose Teeth
        • Receding Gum ("Getting Long in the Tooth”)

        Gum disease may affect your whole body. When your mouth is inflamed, the inflammatory agents may increase inflammation in other parts of your body. There is evidence that people with heart disease and type 2 diabetes are more likely to have gum disease or vice versa. 

    Root Canal Therapy

        Root canal therapy is a treatment to save a tooth that is badly damaged due to decay, disease or injury. A fracture in a tooth or a deep cavity commonly cause pulp death and infection, as the pulp is exposed to bacteria found in your saliva. When the pulp is infected, it is best to remove it before it spreads to the surrounding tissues. During the root canal therapy, the pulp tissue is extirpated and the inside of the tooth is cleaned, disinfected and sealed. Your tooth essentially becomes a hollow “shell”, which we seal and refill, so it looks and functions just like a normal tooth for many years. 

    Inlays and Onlays

        Inlays and onlays are a form of indirect restoration made at a dental lab from an impression of your tooth. An inlay sits in the grooves within the cusps of the tooth. An onlay is a large piece, wrapping around the cusps of the tooth to protect the tooth’s chewing surfaces. When a tooth has too much damage to support a filling, but not so much to require a crown, an inlay or onlay is the best suitable option to support the tooth, yet not weakening the integrity of its strength. It can be made from gold, porcelain or composite resin.

    Porcelain Veneers

        Porcelain veneers are made of a thin yet strong ceramic material that can be designed to a more ideal shape and alignment. They look like tiny tooth-coloured shells which are designed to hug the front surface of the tooth, creating a straighter, whiter natural appearance. Porcelain is the optimal material aesthetically because of the translucent appearance which mimics natural tooth enamel and will not discolour over time.

        If you prefer much whiter veneers, teeth whitening is recommended prior to the creation of your new veneers, which​ will then be matched to your lighter shade.

    Crown and Bridge

        A crown is a custom-made permanent restoration. They like a hollow, tooth-shaped cap, which is cemented over a prepared natural tooth. It restores the tooth to its normal function and aesthetics.

        A dental bridge is a permanent prosthetic appliance made up of a number of crowns joined together into one piece. A bridge places missing teeth by connecting the adjacent teeth either side of the gap, to literally ‘bridge the gap”.

        Crown and bridge can be made of ceramic, gold or combination of gold and ceramic. The type of crown we recommend depends on the tooth involved and sometimes on your preference. All our crowns and bridges are meticulously handcrafted to achieve seamless natural appearance and good fit to the prepared tooth. We use the reputable dental laboratory to ensure the best quality for a long-term success.


        Everyone wants a beautiful smile. Many people with uneven teeth are put off orthodontic treatment by the thought of unsightly braces and the effect they can have socially. This has led to Invisalign becoming the most popular alternative to traditional braces. The Invisalign technology creates a series of custom-made aligners for you and only you. The aligners are virtually invisible to most people at conversation distance. People won’t even know you are wearing them. The aligners should only be removed when you eat and clean the teeth. You only need to visit us every 4-6 weeks for a short appointment to make sure everything is progressing well, or if some changes are required. At the end of active Invisalign treatment retainers are issued and are worn at night. They can be removable retainers, or fixed wire behind the teeth, or combination both.

    TMJ Disorders

        The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders can cause pain in your jaw joints and in the muscles that control jaw movement. The cause of the TMJ disorders is not fully understood. The pain may be due to a combination of factors, like arthritis or jaw injury. Some people who have jaw pain also tend to clench or grind their teeth (bruxism), again many people habitually clench or grind their teeth do not develop TMJ disorders.

        TMJ disorder symptoms: pain or tenderness of your jaw or jaw joints, aching pain around your ear, facial pain, pain while chewing, locking and clicking joint, difficult to open or close your mouth etc. If there is no pain or limitation of jaw movement, you may not need treatment for a TMJ disorder. But if you have persistent pain or tenderness, or cannot open or close your jaw completely, you need to contact us for assessment and treatment.

    Occlusal Splint (Night Guard)

        1You may not be aware of tooth grinding yourself. Often, it’s your bed partner that wakes to the horrendous sound of gnashing enamel while you sleep through it. You may wake up with sore jaw muscles and joints, sensitive teeth or a headache. Over the long term, significant wear can occur on the teeth. We often see cracked teeth or fillings due to the heavy forces while grinding. Occlusal splint (night guards) can take pressure off the jaws and teeth. It is custom-made for either the top or bottom teeth to wear at night. It is designed to prevent your teeth locking together so the jaw muscles relax. The splint needs to be checked and adjusted regularly.

    Emergency Dentistry

        Dental emergencies are never convenient or timely. At Thorough Dental Care, we are committed to our patients' dental health, no matter what time of the day or night. If you have a dental emergency after regular office hours, please call us on (02) 9890 4646. The address of our surgery is: Shop 6, 1 Blackwood Place, Oatlands(Corner of James Ruse Drive and Pennant Hills Road).

        Pre-Care Procedures:

        Tooth Knocked Out

        If a permanent tooth has been knocked out during an accident you should:

        1. Stay calm.
        2. Immediately wash the tooth with milk or your own saliva until it is visibly clean. Do not touch the root of the tooth with your fingers or a toothbrush.
        3.  Place the tooth back into the tooth socket as soon as possible, sharp end in first.
        4. If you are not able to place the tooth back into the socket, place it in some cold milk and take it immediately to a dentist. Do not store it dry or in water as this will damage the sensitive cells to allow reattachment of the tooth.

        Tooth Pushed Out of Position

        • If a permanent tooth is pushed out of position you need to see a dentist as soon as possible to have the tooth repositioned. Depending on the severity of the injury, your tooth may either require very limited treatment or potentially root canal therapy.


        • A toothache that does not go away is a sign that you need to make an appointment to see us. In the meantime, relief may be achieved by rinsing your mouth with water. If you have some swelling, an icepack on the cheek next to the area may help. Pain killers, such as Nurofen, may also help.

        Broken Tooth

        • If a tooth has broken due to an accident, place an icepack on the face next to the injury to minimize swelling of the face. If you can find pieces of teeth, it may be possible to rebond the tooth back. Brushing and flossing carefully and rinsing the mouth out with water may also help the gums. If you have a toothache take a painkiller such as Nurofen and contact us.

    Paediatric Dentistry

        It’s fun to see the children get excited about their oral health. We aim to make their dental visits filled with fun and learning experience. They get to have a ride in the chair, get to know our equipment, which can look scary even to adults. We show them how to best clean their teeth. This can really help take the pressure off the parents. We usually clean their teeth with our electric brush. They often love this as they find it tickles their gums. It also helps them to get used to having things in their mouth. Many of our young patients love coming to see us and ask when they can come again. 

        We recommend your whole family visit us every 6 months from the age of 3. If there are any issues earlier than this, we are happy to see them. This enables us to diagnose earlier if there are any caries lesions, developmental abnormalities, and any potential orthodontic problems. Your children’s dental visit is fun and thorough. Our goal is to relax them, and build trust and confidence so they can see dentist visits are important and happy experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions
    Sports Dentistry (Mouth Guard)

        Mouth guard should be worn while playing and training for any sports that could involve contact to the face, such as football, boxing, basketball, netball, hockey, martial arts etc.

        We recommend that only a professionally custom-fitted mouth guard should be worn. Your mouth guard should be checked every 12 months for optimal condition. Well fit mouth guards should be comfortable, allow you to talk, have maximum resistance to dislodgement and should not restrict breathing.

        Our mouthguards are made on your unique mouth model and ensure correct fit and comfort. A range of colours and designs are available for your personal preferences or to match team colours.

        Over the counter ‘Boil & Bite’ mouth guards are inadequate and provide insufficient protection. They are universal size designed to fit all, which does not adapt to your unique teeth and gums properly and can cause damage to teeth on impact. They usually are bulky and loose fitting, making talking, breathing and staying in place difficult, distracting from the sporting experience.

    Partial / Full denture

        Dentures are removable appliances to replace missing teeth that rest on the gums of either the upper or lower jaws, or both. These dentures are finished with a natural appearance and shade. The process involves a few appointments to ensure every step of the way is satisfactory. Once we all are happy with the appearance and fit, the final denture will be approved and issued. Just like anything new, a set of dentures may take a while to get used to. You can come back anytime for review and adjustments to your comfort with no additional cost. 

    Zoom! Teeth Whitening

        Teeth whitening is a bleaching process that lightens discoloration of enamel and dentine. It is clinically proven to be safe and non-invasive on teeth and gums when applied by a dental professional. It is a simple cosmetic procedure which provides a significant boost to your appearance and confidence. Our teeth whitening procedure can lighten the colour of your teeth by up to eight shades. Our in-office and at-home Whitening Solutions are the only products utilising a repair agent, which reduces sensitivity, protects your enamel and improves the lustre and smoothness of your teeth.

        Our treatment for in-office whitening includes a take-home kit and material with no extra cost. 

    Tooth Coloured Fillings

        A tooth can be easily restored to function with fillings when it has small to moderate decay or fractures. Our fillings are of the highest quality and use the latest material technology. We pride ourselves on making them look just like your natural tooth and make sure you are comfortable during the entire procedure. Clenching and grinding habits can break your natural tooth and break any fillings. We emphasise 6 monthly check-up to monitor the fillings as the problem can be easier to fix when it is detected early.


        Even if we make all the effort to save your teeth, but sometimes good things come to an end. An extensively damaged tooth which cannot be restored properly, or you wish not to have any further alternative treatment to save a sore tooth, we can remove it. Extraction is relative straightforward procedure. You can choose not to replace that missing tooth.

        Apart from chewing, you may wish to replace the extracted tooth for: 

        • Your smile
        • To support your lips and cheeks to avoid aged appearance
        • To share the chewing load so remaining teeth don’t have to work harder
        • To prevent neighbouring teeth and opposing tooth to move into the space

        We can have a few options to replace the missing tooth, such as an implant supported crown, a bridge, or a removable denture.

    Wisdom Teeth Extraction

        Most people have their third molars come through at about age 18. We call them wisdom teeth as a person gets them when one becomes wise. We humans used to eat much tougher foods and chew on bones. Our jaw bones were much wider to accommodate wisdom teeth. But with a change to a softer, modern diet our jaws are less developed so there is not enough space for wisdom teeth. You can call wisdom teeth vestigial organs in that they aren’t very useful now and can even be problematic. Some people have them and they are functional. The impacted ones can cause problems and should be removed.

    Dental Implants

        A dental implant is a device (often screw-shaped) that is placed into the jaw to support a false tooth or group of teeth. The implant fuses with the jaw bone by a process called osseointegration. Most implants are made of commercially and medically pure titanium. It is the same metal that has been successfully used in hip replacements.

        Firstly, we need a full assessment to see if you are suitable for implant placement. The assessment includes your general health, oral condition, and a 3D xray scan. This will help us to determine your healing potential and if any addition procedure is required prior to implant placement. If you are suitable, we can arrange the implant placement surgery. After the implant surgery,a minimum of 3-month healing period is necessary for osseointegration to take place. Once it is fully integrated, a final crown or bridge can be created and fitted in your mouth.

        We only use the most reputable recognized implant systems available. All our systems are approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and our dental laboratory is local and Australian certified ensuring the best quality in our dental implant care. Implants need daily hygiene care like your nature teeth. Regular review appointments and maintenance are required for long term success. 

    Sleep Apnea

        Sleep apnea is a disorder caused when breathing is disrupted during sleep, either through a partial or total temporary interruption in the ability to breathe. The most common type is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), which arises when the tongue and throat tissues relax during sleep, blocking the airway. OSA sufferers usually snore, may wake gasping or choking and experience poor quality of sleep. Many people with OSA are unaware of any disturbance of their sleep.

        OSA can impact your health in many ways: headaches, dizziness, daytime sleepiness, clumsiness, depression, anxiety and poor memory are perhaps the least serious. It can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and stroke, motor vehicle and industrial accidents.

        Luckily, OSA is a treatable condition and you can simply wear a custom-made Mandibular Advanced Splint at night to keep the airway open. It is also effective for snoring. Others require treatment with a Continuous Positive Air Pressure Machine (CPAP).

        If you suspect you have OSA or have symptoms of OSA, we can refer you for a sleep study, so the suitable treatment can be implemented if necessary. It can save your life!

    Sedation and Sleep Dentistry

        Sedation and sleep dentistry is offered for people who are anxious and fearful about dental treatment.

        There are three types: 

        Inhalation Sedation: the Penthrox inhaler (green whistle) is a hand-held device used to relieve pain and anxiety. It is very quick and effective-only 6-8 breaths are required. You can control your own level of relief by inhaling intermittently during treatment.

        Oral Sedatives are given one hour prior to your appointment. This allows you to feel more relaxed and calmer for the procedure. You can still respond to instructions.

        Intravenous (IV) Sedation: IV sedation is administrated by a visiting seditionist. IV sedation will make you feel relaxed so you can literally sleep through your dental procedure. We can easily wake you up and you will be able to follow instructions. The best part is that you will have no memory or recollection of the entire procedure. 

        If you take oral sedatives or have IV sedation, after the procedure, it is necessary for somebody to take you home and stay with you for the rest of the day.

    Oral Cancer Screening

        Every time we provide a full mouth examination, we observe many different aspects of your overall health. There is a large amount of surface area that lines the mouth. When this lining repairs itself quickly, it is susceptible to changes that may require monitoring or further evaluation.

        Oral cancer can afflict anyone although tobacco users put themselves at significantly high risk than non-users. Cellular changes below the surface aren’t always detectable until they have advanced to a critical stage. However, early detection and treatment of oral cancer significantly increases the chance of a positive outcome. If we suspect any unusual changes in your oral tissue, we may suggest a biopsy or refer you to appropriate specialist care.

    Medicare Child Dental Benefits

        The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is a Government scheme for eligible children aged 2-18 years old to receive $1000 of dental benefits. Eligible families will receive a confirmation letter from Medicare. The $1000 dental cap provides for basic dental treatment, such as examinations, radiographs, professional cleaning, fissure sealants, fillings and extractions. The dental services provided for under this scheme will be bulk billed and you will have no additional out of pocket expense.

        If you are currently receiving a government payment, such as Family Tax Benefit Part A, you may qualify to have up to $1000 worth of benefits under the CDBS. For more information, please call us on 9890 4646 or Medicare general enquiries line on 132 011. Alternatively you can visit the Department of Human Services website:

Bilk billing is available for children who are eligible for the Medicare Child Dental Benefit Scheme via our HICAPS system.

Our HICAPS system also processes on the spot claims for health funds.

We are a Members Provider for Medibank Private which means patients who are with Medibank will receive a higher rebate.
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